Friday, September 30, 2016

Telephone Answering Services That Leaves Your Customers Satisfied and No...

How long do you think your customers would wait on hold before getting frustrated with automated prompts? Check out Mickey, Donald and Goofy as they experience the command prompt runaround and ask yourself a serious question... 

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Choosing The Right Social Media Site For Your Business

Social media can be a lot like social life: fun, demanding, confusing, awkward ... and rewarding. As a rule, though--once we're out of high school--social doesn't dominate our lives. By the same token, most people believe there is value in social media, but need to manage the amount of time they invest in it. With the proliferation of social media channels, it can be tempting to throw up your hands and simply forget about the whole thing. Yet, as your mom told you long ago: Picking up your toys and going home is really not the best way to handle the frustrations of social situations.
Mom probably gave you another tip that applies here: Choose your friends wisely. When it comes to social media, there's something to be said for wise choices as well. It is essential that you select the best social media sites for your content marketing efforts to make the most of the social media time you have.

Instead of blindly following the in-crowd to the social site process, start with an approach we all wish we'd had taken in high school: "Where's the hangout filled with folks that share my interests?" As our social lives mature, we realize that the definition of the desirable social set is not the same for everyone. You should have a good idea who potential or existing customers are and the type of content they'll be interested in. Then, to narrow the social media playing field, you'll need to decide in which networks they are most likely to congregate (see chart).
Here is a quick set of considerations as you select the best social network(s) for your business:

Facebook is right for you... if you are building a community presence or want to reach as broad a network as possible. It is losing some traction among younger users, but with more than 70 percent of online adults actively participating in Facebook, it remains the most popular social media site by far. Not only does it have the most users, it is the most-frequently used, which demonstrates a high level of engagement. Sheer popularity may not be your primary criteria, however. Given that the primary reason people are so engaged with Facebook is to connect with family and friends, it may not provide the most effective medium for your business message.
LinkedIn is right for you... if you are in B2B or in another industry or role in which you can provide useful insights to people thinking about their work, seeking to make business connections, or looking for their next job. While LinkedIn is trying to broaden the scope of its information, most users are in work mode on LinkedIn so it is optimal for peer networking and industry-specific information. Given the high income and education levels of the average LinkedIn user, it offers a distinct audience worth targeting with the right message.
Pinterest is right for you... if you are in a highly visual industry with customers who will naturally seek to express themselves through images. However it can also work in areas that you might not consider visual at first glance. Think about your audience and their interests. Are they likely to collect images that will inform their product or service buying decisions? Are they deeply interested in a subject that can be visually represented? Given Pinterest's particular popularity among women, it is also the place to be if that is your market target. Inspire and inform them on Pinterest and you can create real engagement.
Twitter is right for you... if you want to reach both men and women, especially younger ones. It is also particularly appealing to "information junkies" so if your business lends itself to the provision of topic-based news or timely insights, Twitter is a great choice. As with Facebook, Twitter is more effective when it is a two-way platform in which you respond to and engage with followers.
Instagram is right for you... if, like Pinterest, you have a visual aspect to what you do and what your customers are interested in. Interestingly, its users also often overlap with Twitter so it can be good as part of a one-two punch. Given Instagram's appeal to specific ethnic segments and its popularity among urbanites, it can be a good choice for certain market targets.
Another (less popular) visually-centric site is Tumblr, which tends to attract a younger and less affluent audience overall, according to Business Insider. BI also looked at Google , which it found to be very male-dominated. Google has some interesting social community tools such as "hangouts" that are worth exploring if you want to create highly-interactive opportunities.
Alright, now you are ready to get past your social media anxiety and choose the platform (or platforms) that are right for you. Certainly, that means finding your customers where they are with the right kinds of content--be it original or collected from news, entertainment, sports or other trusted sources. But it also means being realistic about what you are willing and able to do in terms of interaction. Social media is, after all, a two-way channel so you need to participate in conversations that make sense for your customers and your business.

Credit: Inc., Standard Graduate School of Business

Phone Automation - How it can hurt sales!

Over the last decade or so, technology has evolved by leaps and bounds. Phone automation has also taken advantage of the advancements in technology, but that’s not necessarily a good thing when it comes to top-notch customer service.
When you consider how important first impressions are, it's essential that you put real human customer service at the forefront of your business priorities. Don’t frustrate your potential customers by having them listen to a computer voice telling them to punch numbers to navigate through multiple levels of complex digital menus. There is no replacement for a warm, helpful voice answering their question, and leading them into your sales funnel.

The Disadvantages of Phone Automation

Phone automation has gotten a fairly bad rap over the last few years, and here's how phone automation can hurt sales:
  • Automated Systems Can Confuse Customers - With automated phone menus, customers have to focus and pay close attention to their options, before being prompted to press a particular button. Failure to do so could put them through to the wrong department or result in them hanging up the phone and going through the entire process again.
  • Customer Satisfaction is Affected by Phone Automation - According to a study conducted by The Wall Street Journal, when outsourcing work-related jobs and using things like phone automation, 150 companies in North America saw their American Consumer Satisfaction Index score decline between 1998 and 2006. Feeling alienated can push customers away, so hire humans, not robots.
  • Limited Options - Interactive Voice Recognition (IVR) is an alternative option that eliminates the pressing of buttons, but communication can be affected with this. Customer options may also be limited with automated communication.
  • The System Might Malfunction - Imagine you were on the brink of making a sale or resolving an issue that a customer was facing, only for the system to malfunction unexpectedly? This could aggravate customers and may push them to do business elsewhere or write a negative review about your company's customer service. Even the slightest delay can make someone want to hang up the phone, so bear this in mind.
  • Maintenance Cost of Equipment - Sure, there’s a cost associated with a human answering your phones, but the price of maintaining phone automation equipment could be higher. Furthermore, in the event that something breaks, business operations must be put on hold while an engineer deals with the technological error.
Although there are certain advantages of automated phone systems,taking out too much of the necessary human interaction can greatly increase costs via lost business due to frustrated clients and potential customers. With a personalized approach to customer communication, customers will feel as though you really care and long-term relationships are developed and better maintained. This can ultimately benefit your business in relation to reputation and standing out in your specific niche.

Why Choose a Virtual Assistant or Answering Service.

Have you thought about the benefits of using a virtual receptionist or answering service? Organizations everywhere,both big and small, are investing in call center assistance. 

They not only free up time for other work-related tasks but also save money on the cost of hiring a full-time employee. 

A virtual receptionist or answering service can do a lot for your business, from answering the phone, to taking messages and so much more.

The main aim of someone in this industry is to provide clients with more time to focus on important  business-related tasks. Not only this, but active listening skills are used to offer customer assistance and improve responsiveness. The duties of someone in this line of work will encompass more than just answering the phone.

Here are some of the main benefits of using a virtual receptionist as opposed to relying on an in-house employee:

24/7 Availability - An in-house receptionist won’t work 24/7 - everybody has to sleep and relax at some point. The cost to hire someone to cover a receptionist’s role can be off-putting, but virtual receptionists offer live and cost-effective over-the-phone assistance long after regular business hours are over.

Money Savings - Available for a fraction of the cost, a virtual receptionist will save you all the costs associated with a full-time staff member. That, and you need not worry about affording sick days and holidays with a phone answering service.

Start-Up Suitability - Early stage entrepreneurs can use a virtual receptionist to their advantage because the initial investment is affordable and you won’t have to find office space to accommodate in-house employees.

Call Escalation - Have you ever sat down and determined which in-coming calls truly demand your immediate attention?  If your biggest client has an emergency that only you can address for them, you don't want to miss that call.  A good virtual receptionist service can help you build specific protocols and escalation procedures to prioritize in-bound calls, ensuring that those instances when a true emergency occurs, you are able to respond right away. 

Reporting - Better information leads to better business decisions. Quality call center services can providing numerous data points and reporting on inbound call activity, helping you better understand how your clients, prospects and other callers are engaging your business.  This knowledge often leads to better decisions in client communications, increasing client satisfaction and even expanding revenue opportunities.  

The above benefits of using a virtual receptionist or answering servicet should appeal to you, whether you are a early-stage entrepreneur or an established business owner. When you focus on the fact that customer service influences sales and the success of your business, hiring a virtual receptionist that can answer calls 24 hours a day, 7 days a week is a worthwhile investment.

Unified Communications

people in business meeting
Imagine two rival businesses in the year 1948.
In the fierce competition for market share, they are equally matched. Then, something happens.
Business A gets its hands on a new technology. It’s a teleportation device. The CEO and his team can step into their teleportation pod in New York and step out in the manufacturing plant in Wyoming almost instantaneously.
Soon, they’re using their teleport pods to bring together potential clients from all over the country, then from all over the world. During one of the presentations, an executive has a question that only an engineer can answer.
No problem.
Business A calls the engineer, who hops into his pod in Maryland and appears at the meeting. Not only that, he carries with him a model that elegantly explains the difficult concept. The potential clients applaud, then become actual clients.
Meanwhile, Business B is still working with their 1948 technology. Sketchy phone lines. Flying for hours in prop planes for face-to-face meetings. Sending letters by mail.
You don’t have to be a Ph.D. to see where this is headed. Things don’t look too good for our friends at Business B. If they want to keep up, they need to use the new technology to enhance how they do business.
Where Unified Communications fits into your business story
Any technology that helps a business close the distance between team members and clients while collaborating in near-real time is a powerful asset. And although the teleportation pod hasn’t yet arrived to boost business, Unified Communications (UC) has.
Businesses are increasingly geographically diverse. At the same time, technology has intensified the rate of competitive intensity in the market.
In this environment, UC enables employers to give tools to their employees that enable almost seamless collaboration. It also allows employees to make faster decisions. It’s a powerful catalyst for creativity, collaboration, and efficiency.
Imagine your company…today
It’s no longer 1948, and we are no longer in the realm of imagination. We’re talking about your business today. Other businesses—including your competitors—are likely using UC to boost efficiency.
Ask yourself and your team if you are:
  • Conducting conferences and participating in meetings from anywhere, anytime, and with virtually any device, saving time and travel expense?
  • Accessing content and collaborating on the go to help accelerate the pace of business?
  • Integrating mobility functionality to maximize productivity?
This is what UC is all about.
In today’s world, you need to be able to communicate face-to-face through multiple media, any time, and on any device. The right UC solution enables you to do that.

Watch this short video for more on why Strong Call United, Inc. s key to helping your business survive and thrive.

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Why Strong Call?

How do we ensure our optimal success? We start with our employees! 

When I was 17 years old I applied for a job at Albertsons. My manager Ann Marie asked me who was most important in the company. The client or the employee. At that young and tender age, despite her objection, I knew success started with the employee!

An INSPIRED workforce is the ultimate answer to growth and higher revenues. Studies show that workplace environment plays an important role in making a crucial difference to the customer focus, innovation and the overall business delivery. In conjunction to how one feels, business interaction and delivery is affected positively or negatively. Therefore, an environment full of happiness and compassion would lead to positive results on all fronts. It may sound easy and obvious but requires a open mind and dedication.
When we confronted the reality in our own organization in 2015, the same solution was staring at us. We realized our employees attitudes, feelings, and mindsets reflected over the phones, and determined how successful we were as a whole.
Interacting a majority of the world’s population annually, we understand it’s important for brands to create a deeper emotional connect. This connect is established when we serve before the need arises, making our customers’ lives easier. The number one goal we aim to achieve is Creating a solution before the need arises.
At Strong Call United, Inc., providing exceptional service is our ultimate goal and it starts with a philosophy I implement into my everyday life which is taking care of home first – our Employees. In 2016, we are better then ever. We have revamped our company from the inside out. Increased our commission payout structure, and have implemented more rewards and bonuses for our top performers.  
Upgrading our mantra from providing the service you deserve, to the experience. It is our belief that each interaction should be satisfactory as a whole, and not just be satisfactory by the end of the call.
What provides the differentiating factor between us and our competitors is because we promise to treat your clients like our own. Your sales like our own, Your information like our own.
We have your customer at hello and ensure they never want to say goodbye.