Friday, March 10, 2017

Don’t Sweat It: Why HVAC Companies Need an Answering Service

The most important part of an HVAC company’s business is its customers. Specifically, customer acquisition and retention. Customer service is a huge part of that. The smaller the business, the more important each customer is to its survival, so it’s important to ensure your customers are happy after each and every interaction you have with them.

The first line to an HVAC customer is the telephone. If a phone call from a potential or current customer isn’t answered, there’s a chance the customer may call someone else. Competition is fierce and HVAC business owners can’t afford to miss an opportunity. How do you keep up? By hiring an answering service. 

The Benefits of Outsourcing

Outsourcing basic tasks, such as answering the phones, taking appointments, resolving minor problems — and escalating major ones — can help you attract new customers and keep your existing ones coming back when they need help. Not only does this free up your time to focus more on your business, but it also makes those peak periods of high HVAC demand much more manageable. Finally, it makes financial sense when you look at the number of customers you’re able to retain and attract.

HVAC Answering Services

So, what are some specific ways an answering service can help an HVAC company? The ideal one will customize their services to fit your exact needs, but here are some services an answering service typically provides for service industry businesses like HVAC companies:
  • Call handling, 24 hours/day, 7 days/week
  • Call overflow handling
  • Backup when you’re busy or out of the office
  • Appointment setting
  • Call escalation
  • Bilingual call answering
In the end, an HVAC company must continue to provide services to stay in business. This requires excellent customer service to keep your current and prospective customers happy. In order to continue growing an HVAC company, some administrative tasks can be outsourced so that you’re able to focus on doing what you do best. An answering service can be the first step in outsourcing part of the tasks of running an HVAC company.

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